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7 results found

Latest paper in Physical Review Applied

Our recent work on 'Limits to Quantum Gate Fidelity from Near-Field Thermal and Vacuum Fluctuations' has been published in Physical Review Applied. We develop a framework to analyze and engineer near-field thermal and vacuum fluctuations in the quantum computing hardware for achieving high-fidelity...

Latest Paper in Physical Review B

We are delighted to share our recent work on "First-principles study of large gyrotropy in MnBi for infrared thermal photonics", published in Physical Review B. It talks about how nonreciprocal gyrotropic materials have attracted significant interest recently in material physics, nanophotonics, and...

Latest Paper in Science Advances

Our recent work on ‘Observation of nonvanishing optical helicity in thermal radiation from symmetry-broken metasurfaces’ has been published in Science Advances. We uncover a new method for generating spinning thermal radiation in a controlled & efficient manner using metasurfaces. Spinning thermal...

Latest Paper in & Science Advances

Our article from, discussing our recent work on "Observation of nonvanishing optical helicity in thermal radiation from symmetry-broken metasurfaces" has been published in Science Advances (2023). Spinning thermal radiation is a unique phenomenon observed in condensed astronomical objects...

Latest Paper in Physical Review Research

We are delighted to share our recent work on “Nonequilibrium Hanbury Brown-Twiss interferometry: Theory and application to binary stars,” published in Physical Review Research. We develop a general formalism of Hanbury Brown and Twiss's experiment for objects at different temperatures. We also apply...