Nonlocal topological electromagnetic phases of matter Publication: Journal Article Van Mechelen, Todd, and Zubin Jacob. 2019. “Nonlocal Topological Electromagnetic Phases of Matter”. Physical Review B 99 (20).
Viscous Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory for topological electromagnetic phases of matter Publication: Journal Article Van Mechelen, Todd, and Zubin Jacob. 2020. “Viscous Maxwell-Chern-Simons Theory for Topological Electromagnetic Phases of Matter”. Physical Review B 102 (15).
Non-classical photonic spin texture of quantum structured light Publication: Journal Article Yang, Li-Ping, and Zubin Jacob. 2021. “Non-Classical Photonic Spin Texture of Quantum Structured Light”. Communications Physics 4,221.
Definition of polaritonic fluctuations in natural hyperbolic media Publication: Journal Article Molesky, Sean, and Zubin Jacob. 2019. “Definition of Polaritonic Fluctuations in Natural Hyperbolic Media”. Physical Review A 99 (3): 033833.
Universal spin-momentum locking of evanescent waves Publication: Journal Article Van Mechelan, Todd, and Zubin Jacob. 2016. “Universal Spin-Momentum Locking of Evanescent Waves”. Optica 3 (2): 118-26.
Symmetry Breaking In Thermal Photonics Publication: Journal Article Wang, Xueji, and Zubin Jacob. 2022. “Symmetry Breaking In Thermal Photonics”. Light: Science & Applications.
Recent advances in 2D, 3D and higher-order topological photonics Publication: Journal Article Kim, Minkyung, Zubin Jacob, and Junsuk Rho. 2020. “Recent Advances in 2D, 3D and Higher-Order Topological Photonics”. Light: Science & Applications 9 (1): 1-30.
Single photon pulse induced transient entanglement force Publication: Journal Article Yang, Li-Ping, Chinmay Khandekar, Tongcang Li, and Zubin Jacob. 2020. “Single Photon Pulse Induced Transient Entanglement Force”. New Journal of Physics 22 (2): 023037.
Thermal spin photonics in the near-field of nonreciprocal media Publication: Journal Article Khandekar, Chinmay, and Zubin Jacob. 2019. “Thermal Spin Photonics in the Near-Field of Nonreciprocal Media”. New Journal of Physics 21 (2019): 103030.
Spin photonic forces in non-reciprocal waveguides Publication: Journal Article Pendharker, Sarang, Farid Kalhor, Todd Van Mechelen, Saman Jahani, Neda Nazemifard, Thomas Thundat, and Zubin Jacob. 2018. “Spin Photonic Forces in Non-Reciprocal Waveguides”. Optics Express 26 (18): 23898-910.