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23 results found

Purdue researchers control the quantum vacuum

Purdue researchers have made a breakthrough demonstration of controlling energy transfer mediated by vacuum fluctuations. They have proposed and demonstrated a non-reciprocal, diode-like Casimir device. Their results were published in Nature Nanotechnology. A striking prediction of quantum mechanics...

Hyperbolic Band Theory by Prof. Joseph Maciejko

Prof Joseph talked about Hyperbolic lattices which are a new form of synthetic quantum matter in which particles effectively hop on a discrete tiling of two-dimensional hyperbolic space, a non-Euclidean space of negative curvature. Hyperbolic tilings were studied by the geometer H.S.M. Coxeter and...

Latest paper in PR Applied

Published in PR Applied, our recent work develops the theoretical and computational framework to analyze the spin angular momentum of thermal radiation from bodies with nonuniform temperature profiles. By considering a sample problem of a long silica wire held under a temperature gradient within its...

Xueji Wang named 2022 DARPA Riser

Exciting news as Xueji Wang, PhD student in our group, has been selected as a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Riser for 2022. Mr. Wang will participate in the DARPA’s Forward conference series that provides networking opportunities to discover and engage new talents.

Pico-electrodynamics by Dr. Sathwik Bharadwaj

Dr. Sathwik Bharadwaj spoke about the concept of photonic frequency (ω) - momentum (q) dispersion that has been extensively studied in artificial dielectric structures such as photonic crystals and metamaterials. However, the ω-q dispersion of electrodynamic excitations hosted in natural materials...

Topological Edge Plasmons in Quantum Many-Body Systems by Prof. Stephan Haas

Prof. Stephan Haas discussed how the many-body excitation spectrum of topological insulators is affected by the presence of long-range Coulomb interactions. In the one-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model and its mirror-symmetric variant, strongly localized plasmonic excitations are observed which...