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32 results found

Hyperbolic Band Theory

Seminar Link: Picoelectrodynamics Theory Network - YouTube Abstract Hyperbolic lattices are a new form of synthetic quantum matter in which particles effectively hop on a discrete tiling of two-dimensional hyperbolic space, a non-Euclidean space of negative curvature. Hyperbolic tilings were studied...

Topological Edge Plasmons in Quantum Many-Body Systems

Seminar Link: Picoelectrodynamics Theory Network - YouTube Abstract We discuss how the many-body excitation spectrum of topological insulators is affected by the presence of long-range Coulomb interactions. In the one-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model and its mirror-symmetric variant, strongly...

A Dual Perspective On Inverse Design

Seminar Link: Picoelectrodynamics Theory Network - YouTube Abstract For a wide range of technologically prescient applications---spanning from achieving low-power nonlinear response to mode-multiplexing in optical communication---device architectures discovered via computational methods increasingly...