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121 results found

Purdue researchers control the quantum vacuum

Purdue researchers have made a breakthrough demonstration of controlling energy transfer mediated by vacuum fluctuations. They have proposed and demonstrated a non-reciprocal, diode-like Casimir device. Their results were published in Nature Nanotechnology. A striking prediction of quantum mechanics...

Prof. Zubin Jacob

Pmperdiet Egestas Erat Rhoncus Dapibus Senectus Fringippa.

COURSE PAGE: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum...

Hyperbolic Band Theory by Prof. Joseph Maciejko

Prof Joseph talked about Hyperbolic lattices which are a new form of synthetic quantum matter in which particles effectively hop on a discrete tiling of two-dimensional hyperbolic space, a non-Euclidean space of negative curvature. Hyperbolic tilings were studied by the geometer H.S.M. Coxeter and...

Latest paper in PR Applied

Published in PR Applied, our recent work develops the theoretical and computational framework to analyze the spin angular momentum of thermal radiation from bodies with nonuniform temperature profiles. By considering a sample problem of a long silica wire held under a temperature gradient within its...

Nonlinear and Non-Local Optical Response In Quantum Materials

Seminar Link: Picoelectrodynamics Theory Network - YouTube Abstract Quantum materials possess a complex energy landscape arising from the competition between many microscopic processes. A stimulus such as light can tip the fine balance between these competing processes resulting in novel optical...

Latest paper in Physical Review Applied

Our recent work on 'Limits to Quantum Gate Fidelity from Near-Field Thermal and Vacuum Fluctuations' has been published in Physical Review Applied. We develop a framework to analyze and engineer near-field thermal and vacuum fluctuations in the quantum computing hardware for achieving high-fidelity...