Fast electrons interacting with a natural hyperbolic medium: bismuth telluride

Shekhar, Prashant, Sarang Pendharker, Douglas Vick, Marek Malac, and Zubin Jacob. 2019. “Fast electrons interacting with a natural hyperbolic medium: bismuth telluride”. Optics Express 27 (5): 6970-75.


Fast electrons interacting with matter have been instrumental for probing bulk and surface photonic excitations including Cherenkov radiation and plasmons. Additionally, fast electrons are ideal to investigate unique bulk and longitudinal photonic modes in hyperbolic materials at large wavevectors difficult to probe optically. Here, we use momentum-resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy (k-EELS) to perform the first experimental demonstration of high-k modes and hyperbolic Cherenkov radiation in the natural hyperbolic material Bi2Te3. This work establishes Bi2Te3 as one of the few viable natural hyperbolic materials in the visible and paves the way for k-EELS as a fundamental tool to probe hyperbolic media.

Last updated on 09/15/2023