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30 results found

Laser Focus World Article Highlights Our Research

Graphene has been hailed a “wonder material,” given its potential in a growing pool of applications and industries, from quantum computing (also see “Getting edgy with graphene”) to healthcare. But it’s also a bit unassuming. While it’s the thinnest material in the world at just one-atom-thick...

Latest Paper in Physical Review A

Quantum causality is an emerging field of study which has the potential to greatly advance our understanding of quantum systems. In this paper, we put forth a theoretical framework for merging quantum information science and causal inference by exploiting entropic principles. For this purpose, we...

A Dual Perspective On Inverse Design by Prof Sean Molesky

Prof Sean Molesky discussed how Lagrange duality heuristics for quadratically constrained quadratic optimization problems (QCQPs) can substantially lessen these knowledge gaps for a variety of common photonic design problems. As showcased by initial applications to topics including radiative...

Our most recent work on "picophotonics" has been featured in Purdue News

Our most recent work on "picophotonics" has been featured in Purdue News which says "Light-matter interaction in materials is central to several photonic devices from lasers to detectors. Over the past decade, nanophotonics, the study of how light flows on the nanometer scale in engineered...

Latest News & Views in Light: Science and Applications

Check out our recent News & View article ‘Symmetry breaking in thermal photonics.’ in Light: Science and Applications. Thermal radiation is omnipresent and is engineered for various applications in modern photonics, such as cooling, imaging, and energy harvesting. Symmetries and symmetry breaking...

Latest Paper in Science Advances

Our recent work on ‘Observation of nonvanishing optical helicity in thermal radiation from symmetry-broken metasurfaces’ has been published in Science Advances. We uncover a new method for generating spinning thermal radiation in a controlled & efficient manner using metasurfaces. Spinning thermal...

Xueji Wang named 2022 DARPA Riser

Exciting news as Xueji Wang, PhD student in our group, has been selected as a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Riser for 2022. Mr. Wang will participate in the DARPA’s Forward conference series that provides networking opportunities to discover and engage new talents.

Pico-electrodynamics by Dr. Sathwik Bharadwaj

Dr. Sathwik Bharadwaj spoke about the concept of photonic frequency (ω) - momentum (q) dispersion that has been extensively studied in artificial dielectric structures such as photonic crystals and metamaterials. However, the ω-q dispersion of electrodynamic excitations hosted in natural materials...